Greening communities
Once dry, yellowed turf ravaged by drought, the College Avenue medians will be transformed into green spaces thriving with native, drought tolerant plantings. With the help of Fletcher Studio, the Community Challenge Grant program, and Friends of the Urban Forest, the St. Mary’s Neighbors implemented native tree plantings along the 4-median stretch in 2021. Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) and California Buckeye (Aesculus californica), now alternating across the length of College Avenue, will bring a variety of benefits, including reduced urban heat island, a flurry of spring blooms, and pollinator support.
Phase 2 focuses on implementing understory plantings within the two central medians. An informal path will wind through the existing trees and proposed native, drought tolerant plantings. This intersection also plays host to the SF Crosstown Trail, where feature end caps at the trail crossing will showcase Ceanothus ‘Ray Hartman’ and signage about the project. With Community Challenge Grant funding secured for Phase 2, implementation is expected to be complete in early 2024.
To finish out understory planting in the remaining two medians, the neighborhood plans on seeking additional grant funding.
San Francisco, CA
Neighborhood: Saint Mary's Park
Date: 2020 - present
Size: 13,000 sq. ft
Collaborator: St. Mary's Park Neighbors
Role: Landscape Architecture
Features: Tree Planting, Shrub Planting, Pathway