Turning a utility into a community space
The Compton Creek Regional Garden Park Master Plan is the result of a one-year effort to create a plan for the redevelopment of the City’s existing flood control channel and adjacent land into a safe, ecologically beneficial, multi-use, public greenway. The design process was overseen by the City of Compton and the Compton Creek Task Force. The Master Plan capitalizes on a shift in public policy in Los Angeles County that redefines the function of its watercourses from single-purpose flood protection systems to integrated, multipurpose corridors. The Plan builds upon the data and principles established in The Compton Creek Watershed Management Plan, which encourages comprehensive and collaborative strategies for environmental resource enhancements, open space provisions, water quality improvements, and sustainable economic development. The vision for the Compton Creek Regional Garden Park emphasizes a livable, walkable, urban community that is oriented to and informed by the Creek. Implementation of this Master Plan will transform a blighted, under-utilized resource into a valuable amenity, promoting civic pride and regional identity.
Click here to download the Compton Creek Regional Garden Park Master Plan.
Compton Creek Master Plan, Compton
Date: 2006
Project completed while at Mia Lehrer + Associates