Industrial Landscape
Located in the Bayview District of San Francisco, the new 36,000 SF Meals on Wheels facility offered up some challenging parameters. The oddly shaped urban footprint boasts an active loading zone for delivery vehicles and a pedestrian entry. The design of the building by Jackson Liles Architecture, provides a contrasting graphic element against the industrial backdrop.
meals on wheels, san franciso, CA
Neighborhood: Bayview, CA
Date: 2020
Size: 36,000 SF
Client: Jackson Liles Architecture
Owner: Meals on Wheels SF
Role: Landscape Architecture
Features: Green Infrastructure, Planting Design
Photo Credits - Craig Cozart for JLA
materials and inspiration
Many of our projects utilize water management practices which seek to establish a more ecologically sound treatment of stormwater, especially in urban settings. This approach, often termed “green infrastructure, ” presents a multitude of design opportunities which can improve the quality of life for humans as well as plants and animals. By mimicking natural ecological processes in our designs we can cut down on costs and the intensive use of natural resources, mitigate urban environmental problems, and provide safe and healthy spaces for communities of all kinds to gather and enjoy. As the global climate change emergency unfolds, interventions like these are just starting to become standard practice. We are excited to be a part of this change and to share our work with the hope that it will inspire others to do even more.
Rainwater from the rooftop is captured and piped into the bioretention planter nearest to the building. The three planters bordering the edge of the property collect runoff via curb-cuts from the paving around the site. During storm events and heavy water flow, water is captured by the overflow inlets and transferred to the city storm drains.