Campus ‘neighborhoods’ connected by a programmatic loop
The Pointe Grand campus landscape master plan envisions a social and pedestrian friendly campus through an integrated site design that will be phased over time. The site is defined by four office tower buildings arrayed along East Grand, and a central parking garage on the south edge of the site. The resultant interior open space is bisected by internal vehicular roadways that connect destinations across the campus: the main vehicular drive occurs on a north-south axis, and an east-west collector street runs along the face of the parking garage and through the existing surface parking.
The interior open space is connected by a central walking path and programmatic spine. A series of connector paths build off of the spine, reaching out to connect the buildings and program, unifying the campus and defining the campus green. The paths expand to knit together various campus amenities such as outdoor working spaces, sports courts, gathering areas and meadows, making the campus feel cohesive and consistent in character. The paseo pathway varies in width, thickening in places to accommodate more intensive site programs and narrowing in other areas to become a simple utilitarian pathway connecting destinations across the campus. The edges of the pathway are defined by seating and retaining walls, leaning rails, and landscaped berms that separate the paseo path from the campus green.
South San Francisco, CA
Neighborhood: South San Francisco
Date: 2021 – present
Size: 35 acres
Collaborator: FLAD Architects
Role: Landscape Architecture
Features: Walking Loop, Event Lawn, Plazas, Outdoor Working Spaces, Public Art, Landscape Terraces