Connecting Downtown Streets With Shadow Play
The Townsend Passage is a new public walkway and streetscape that now connects Townsend with Brannan Street. The central concept for the space was “Shadowplay”. The vertical lines of a new channel glass fence course across the space during the day, and the shadows lock into and integrate with oblique paving, furniture and planters. Wood beams were salvaged from an existing adjacent building, and were re-used to create built in seating nooks, leaning rails and amphitheater seating. Fletcher Studio collaborated Retna, in the installation of a site specific mural and integrated sculptures. All irrigation water in the passage comes from a cistern. The space also treats stormwater from the adjacent new office building.
Townsend Passage, San Francisco
Neighborhood: SOMA South of Market
Size: .4 acres
Client: Alexandria Real Estate
Role: Landscape Architecture
Collaborators: Studios Architecture
Features: Public Promenade, Street Art, Mural, Cistern, Recycled Materials